The Good, The Bad and The Ugly of crowdfunding rewards

Low cost rewards for £10 or $10 – how do your rewards measure up with the best

and worse

Rewards or perks are an essential part of any crowdfunding campaign.


  • are essential thank yous to your supporters for their money or time
  • build support in the future for the funded project or your organisation or product
  • act as marketing and promotion

They should be creative, tied to your project or mission and be gratefully given.

Here are some low cost rewards or perks from crowdfunding sites across the world that have caught my eye – for good or bad.

The Good – these are low cost, creative, some can be prepared in advance, offer something unique and show gratitude

  • Ten minutes in the rainforest – a download of sounds from the Bornean forest plus descriptions (this is why you funded this project – so the sounds could be heard)
  • An exclusive collection of unique photos (the subject matter interests you – and this is exclusive)
  • MP3 of the first track to be released on the album (before everyone else gets it too)
  • Free ticket to the show (and you’ll bring your friends)
  • 20% off your purchase from us (this will bring you to the store)
  • A chance to use our service free 3 times (3 times!)
  • A raffle to win a blouse from the Collection (and you’re worth it!)
  • A collection of 4 exclusively designed desktop/Iphone wallpapers available for download (you like the work and an exclusive design definitely appeals) 
  • A high-definition digital download of Series I, edited as a full length movie (and you’ll be donating to series 2!)
  • Your name carved into a virtual tree within the app forest world (oh yes!)
And in case you thought that social projects can’t be creative
  • A special bookmark you can download
  • Full access to pre-edited pictures, that will be posted on the Flickr account
  • Signed picture by one of the computer centre students
  • A “Thanks for Giving Card” that states you have funded one hour of job training for a youth employee

The Bad – not as clever as the ones above but show some thought

  • An invite to the exhibition & eternal thanks (this is OK as long as it is a personal invitation)
  • Your name in the credits of the documentary…..and…. OUR ETERNAL GRATITUDE! (what’s with the “eternal” all of a sudden? This is an OK reward because you’d  like to be part of the film you’ve supported)
  • You will be named as a founding supporter of the Trust in the forthcoming new Journal when it is printed (as above “founding supporter” sounds good and recognises your contribution)
  • A hand written thank you (so few hand written notes are sent nowadays that this seems special!)

And the downright ugly

(now with added attitude!)

  • Just the great feeling of being an arts funder! (you may not even get a thank you here – who’s the one being patronised now*)
  • Your name on our website (should take all of two seconds in return for your money or time)
  • Email receipt for your donation (a receipt – emailed – not even a personalised thank you!)
  • Biweekly email update of project progress (all supporters should get this anyway – you are just another name on their database)
  • Personalised “Thank you” message sent via Twitter (oh for *@!*’s sake!)

* patronage

1. the support or encouragement of a patron, as for an institution or cause

2. a condescending manner


Join me on an introduction to crowdfunding workshop

Middlesbrough 14 June  10.00 15.30

Workshop in partnership with Funding Information North East and Middlesbrough Voluntary Development Agency

Central Middlesbrough venue

Rochdale 26 June 09.30-13.00

Workshop in partnership with CVS Rochdale

Venue: CVS Rochdale, Partnership House, Sparrow Hill, Rochdale OL16 1QT

Crewe 3 July  10.00 – 15.30

Workshop in partnership with CVS Cheshire East

Venue:The Exercise Studio, Belong, Brookhouse Drive, Crewe

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